SVG for prompt "minestrone"

Prompt: "minestrone"
Style: default
SVG Generator Version: 7
File size: 59kB
License: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Description: The SVG depicts a black and white illustration of a bowl of soup with a leaf on top. The bowl is placed on a saucer, and there is a spoon next to it. The soup contains what appears to be black beans and a green leaf, possibly a bay leaf, which is a common ingredient in many soups. The illustration is simple and stylized, with clean lines and a limited color palette.

The SVG depicts a black and white illustration of a bowl of soup with a leaf on top. The bowl is placed on a saucer, and there is a spoon next to it. The soup contains what appears to be black beans and a green leaf, possibly a bay leaf, which is a common ingredient in many soups. The illustration is simple and stylized, with clean lines and a limited color palette.

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28273 SVGs