SVG for prompt "fox and stars"

Prompt: "fox and stars"
Style: default
SVG Generator Version: 7
File size: 32kB
License: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Description: The SVG shows a stylized graphic of a fox's head. The fox is depicted with a smiling expression, featuring a prominent nose, eyes, and ears. The fur appears to be textured, giving a sense of the animal's softness. The graphic is simple and uses a limited color palette, focusing on shades of black and white. The fox's head is the central object, and there are no other objects or interactions depicted in the SVG.

The SVG shows a stylized graphic of a fox's head. The fox is depicted with a smiling expression, featuring a prominent nose, eyes, and ears. The fur appears to be textured, giving a sense of the animal's softness. The graphic is simple and uses a limited color palette, focusing on shades of black and white. The fox's head is the central object, and there are no other objects or interactions depicted in the SVG.

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28273 SVGs