SVG for prompt "copywriter"

Prompt: "copywriter"
Style: default
SVG Generator Version: 7
File size: 49kB
#Downloads : 0
License: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Description: The SVG depicts a stylized illustration of a woman sitting at a desk. She has long hair and is wearing a white top. The woman is holding a pencil in her right hand and appears to be writing or drawing on a piece of paper. In front of her, there is a small container that seems to hold additional pencils. The overall style is simple and cartoon-like, with solid lines and minimal shading. The woman is smiling and looking directly at the viewer.

The SVG depicts a stylized illustration of a woman sitting at a desk. She has long hair and is wearing a white top. The woman is holding a pencil in her right hand and appears to be writing or drawing on a piece of paper. In front of her, there is a small container that seems to hold additional pencils. The overall style is simple and cartoon-like, with solid lines and minimal shading. The woman is smiling and looking directly at the viewer.

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33026 SVGs